Roger de Clare

Roger de Clare

C. of E. First School and Nursery

Maximum achievement for all in a happy, caring and Christian environment

Station Road, Puckeridge, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 1TF

01920 821363



Safeguarding is the most important aspect of school life. It runs through everything that we do. Safeguarding is a regular agenda item in our Senior Leadership Team meetings, Designated Senior Person meetings, staff meetings and full governing body meetings because we know that constant vigilance and re-visiting of key systems as well as regular opportunities to raise concerns are key to children being safe at school.

Safeguarding is an umbrella term which covers all the different ways we keep the children at our school emotionally and physically safe. It includes things like risk assessing our trips, doing fire drills, training parent volunteers in safeguarding issues, keeping our entrances and boundaries secure, training first aiders, talking to children about how to keep themselves safe online, about what to do if they feel someone is being unkind or is bullying them or someone else. It also includes the processes we use when recruiting staff and the subsequent safeguarding training they receive.

It also means that we have a legal duty regarding child protection to seek advice or report any concerns we have over children being neglected or hurt. This sometimes means talking to other agencies. When we do this our intention is always to protect your child. Usually we will bring concerns to you directly but there are times when we can’t do that and that can sometimes lead to families feeling upset. This is understandable but I hope parents will understand that we are always doing what we think is best for the child.

At Roger de Clare, we have three members of staff who have received the required training to be 'Designated Senior Persons': Mrs Laura Woods (Headteacher), Mrs Kate Rogers (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Sarah Ellerbeck (Deputy Lead for EYFS).  

Our current child protection policy can be found on our Policies Page.  

Online Safety

Staying safe online is an important issue.  Children sign up to online safety rules at the start of each academic year and then regularly re-visit the important messages of keeping safe throughout the year both within Computing lessons and outside.   We also take part in Online Safety week each year in February.  

Staff also receive regular updates on  Online Safety issues.

For advice on keeping your children safe on the internet take a look at  

Our current Online Safety policy can be found on our Policies Page. 

There is further advice for parents and carers on our 'Online safety for parents' page.  

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